TouchBase Online Purchasing
BEFORE PURCHASING, PLEASE NOTE: IF you qualify for free or reduced lunches, some items may be reduced in price ONLY if you first submit your Free/Reduced Lunch Application and check the "Consent to Share" box. Once you have submitted your F/R Application and checked the "Consent to Share" box, you will be notified of your free or reduced status by Nutrition Services once it is processed. Then come back to make your purchases. If you qualify, the system will automatically adjust the prices of the items that qualify for a reduced rate. We are NOT able to adjust fees AFTER purchased, if you qualify for a reduced rate. For more information, or if you need to know if you qualify immediately, please contact Nutrition Services at (253) 566-5700 or click here: Nutrition Services . Free/Reduced Applications are only good for one school year - you must re-apply each year. Applications are available online beginning August 1st.
Online payments are charged a convenience fee. You may avoid this by paying at the school in person.
ALL RETURNING USERS (Parents and Guests): (IF you are a first time user, see instructions below the login section!)
Username: Your Skyward Parent Access Username (e.g. LASTNFIR000) OR your Guest Profile Username
Password: Password for TouchBase created during first visit
Then choose your student to purchase items at their school or pay fines/fees.
If you have a Guest Profile, choose the School or Location (e.g. District Office, Aquatics Center) to select items, pay invoices, or register for swim lessons.
Forgot your password? Please CLICK HERE to have a password reset email sent to your email address on file.
1st Time Users:
To login you must first set a password Click here to set your password
Once your password has been set, you may login with your Skyward Parent Access Username and your newly create password.
(Do NOT use this option if you are a parent or have a student in UPSD or are a UPSD Student or are a District Employee)
If you are NOT a parent, student or employee and wish to shop University Place School District items, please Create an Account
Once you have created an account, you may login with your Username and password.
For questions, or assistance, please contact the University Place School District Admin Office at (253) 566-5600.